
brown leaves a planet

Brown slid into the leather seat of the cockpit. He grabbed ahold of the main control stick, threw on the throttle, and lifted his ship off the ground. He looked down through the wide forward window to watch the dust kick up. Jared waved him off, standing there being blown away under the force of the atomospheric engines that were a necessity for Brown's freighter. Jared turned and went down toward the small building that was next to the landing pad out in the wasteland that was Heptaru. Brown took one final look at the rolling sand dunes and choppy cliffs sticking up out of them and turned the ship's nose straight up and kicked in the main engines. Within a few moments all ahead of him was empty space. He blew through the scanning stations and passed all the necessary checks on his cargo, equipment, and registry. "Free at last," was all he could think.
He got out a good distance away from the platform, turned on autopilot, and headed for the nearest quiet planet.


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