
too much to do

Too much to do, but with only a grain of sand in which to do it.
Life, he goes out. He walks down the stairs, he walks down the street, down the lane, down the road. People are everywhere but no one notices anything. Everyone is their own. Some walk faster than others, some seem to have a purpose, some seem to just be walking for the sake of walking. Some have sat down on their steps, some with another who they talk to endlessly, some don't say a word. Certain people are very intent at getting somewhere, others have doublebacked. He doesn't know where he's going but he thinks it's best to walk down the street. He's afraid of the people and he's envious of them becuase they know what they are doing, or at least they look like they know what they are doing. So he stares down to not meet their eye and walks with a faux purpose and real embarrassment in his step. His foot drops down too quick for what seems to be normal, which he notices so he walks faster to make it seem more normal, but now he is agitated and it shows and he knows it shows so he trys to slow down.
He is breathing faster now. People who seem to tower over his head look down at him in quick glances, he quickens his pace once again and trys not to notice the world around him that doesn't know what to think of him. He wishes they wouldn't think of him at all, but secretly craves attention.
The light turns red. He stops, but he doesn't stop moving, he shifts his weight uncomfortably, constantly, endlessly. The light is long and he looks down at his feet. The light turns and he's off again at his pace with no graduality. He is at one moment stopped and the next at his fastest. He doesn't dare run but he wishes he could run forever to be away from all the people who he knows are looking at him, who are talking about him behind his back, who snicker or look concerned or give sympathetic smiles.
He never knows why.

the sun's revenge

And finally, as if it had been years since the last time, the sun began it's ascent and lit the air aflame, producing a pale pink and blue sky that brightened consistently until the sun had made it's way up and over the horizon. The buildings of the city blocked the sun's progress and sillouheted but the sun moved right on past them. It crested over the top of one and glared down on it's would-be adversaries. The clouds were visible now, the birds chirped louder, the wind was whispering sweet-nothings to the trees and the they laughed. People left the solace of their homes and began to bustle.

an angry apparation

A scar was easily visible on his neck but no one paid it notice. He wore white makeup on his face but no one seemed to mind. Black clothes only spurred indifference. No one cared about a boy wearing eyeshadow. Long, black, straight hair was envied by no one and no one looked at the metal in his face. But everyone was concerned with the rather angry look in his eye and the gun held firmly in his hand.

velvet shine

Velvet curtains, velvet coushins, velvet everything it seemed. Everything seemed to shine, even more so because of the excessive amount of alchohol that was swimming around in his blood. She lay there calling him unmovingly. His blood surged, the alchohol churned, he felt lightheaded and heavyhanded. He stumbled. The floor wasn't being normal. It called out to his jaw, wishing to finally meet and his jaw acquiesced. But the floor dealt him a blow, confusing his already useless mind and he tried to think of what he had done to it to deserve such treatment. He heard the girl rise from her shiney, velvet couch and walk towards him. Shining in her silk neglige, light from her gun shined in his eyes as it unloaded three shots into his head, and the alchohol filled blood shone as it misted the air and peppered her face.

brown leaves a planet

Brown slid into the leather seat of the cockpit. He grabbed ahold of the main control stick, threw on the throttle, and lifted his ship off the ground. He looked down through the wide forward window to watch the dust kick up. Jared waved him off, standing there being blown away under the force of the atomospheric engines that were a necessity for Brown's freighter. Jared turned and went down toward the small building that was next to the landing pad out in the wasteland that was Heptaru. Brown took one final look at the rolling sand dunes and choppy cliffs sticking up out of them and turned the ship's nose straight up and kicked in the main engines. Within a few moments all ahead of him was empty space. He blew through the scanning stations and passed all the necessary checks on his cargo, equipment, and registry. "Free at last," was all he could think.
He got out a good distance away from the platform, turned on autopilot, and headed for the nearest quiet planet.

empty darkness

The darkness was overwhelming. It shut out everything. It was so dark it was blinding. If you stared too long at one spot it would burn in your eyes, you could feel your nerves trying to understand the void, trying to find an object to focus on but they only found nothing. This was not your ordinary darkness. This was a darkness that came from emptiness. From nothing came black and it enveloped everything. It was all around them and all over them. It wasnt just the absence of light it was the absence of all. It drove them crazy.
One couldn't try to understand how or why or what exactly had happened, it was too much to take in, or too little. But it was there, all of a sudden, from nowhere, in a few short seconds of motion everything had changed, at least in that little spot in the galaxy. It was more than the people could bear.